Wednesday, October 7, 2015

HR really stands for Human Remains

My former supervisor, Kathy, always referred to Human Resources as the Human Remains dept.  As in most things, Kathy was right and what was true in the 90's is even more so today.  

Do HR recruiters actually recruit these days?  My guess is no; their recruiting efforts extend primarily to attending job fairs and posting openings on job boards.  They solicit resumes but they don't actually recruit talent by networking, referrals from employees or otherwise actively seeking already-employed candidates with the skills they desire.  They're passive participants in their job.

The HR passiveness continues with the use of software to scan resumes.  Software is touted as increasing efficiency because there's no way an overburdened HR dept can actually READ all the resumes submitted.  I think that's bullshit in all but the rarest cases.  

My diatribe on resume-scanning software will have to wait till tomorrow, Gentle Reader, because I'm beat.

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