Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Good Lord woman, why are you adding to the glut of blogs??!!

I have been gainfully unemployed for almost 4 months.  As pissed off as I am about not having a job, I'm glad I'm no longer driving to Company X five days a week. The job wasn't nearly as fast-paced as I'd been told. Worse, there was a deadly hush over the office.  I'm used to working where there's a steady white noise of activity and you talk to your colleagues as you work.  At Company X, everyone spoke in hushed tones and there was little chit chat among coworkers as you went about your day.  Most people were nice but it was an odd place.  

The job search process is more frustrating this time than it has been in the past.  I rant to my family, on Facebook and to my dogs, who show complete disinterest.  So, the blog is part commiseration with my fellow job-seekers and part cheap therapy for me.  Maybe there will be a few nuggets of information that others will find helpful.  As much as I believe everyone is entitled to my opinion :-), committing my thoughts to the internet is at odds with one of my favorite quotes, "Never write a letter, never throw one away" - Frank Rizzo, former mayor of Philadelphia.

Advance warning - if you're offended by swearage, this isn't the blog for you.  I'll try to limit my longshoreman tendencies but this is a blog about the frustration of finding a new job, after all.

1 comment:

  1. Swear away! Finding work is hard work and it can be crushing to the soul.
