In the rejection email he sent me, the supervisor for job #1, Dick, said to let him know if I applied for other openings at LargeCo. He thought I'd be an asset to the company (what a wise, wise man. Not wise enough to hire me but his IQ is clearly above amoeba-level) and he'd put in a good word for me with the hiring manager for other jobs. Classy guy.
I replied that I'd applied for job #2 and had a phone interview about 2 weeks ago with HR. HR lady said she was forwarding my info to the hiring manager. I figured that if I don't hear anything in a couple weeks, I haven't made the cut. Silly me. Dick sends me a note today advising that the hiring manager is looking at internal candidates and, if none of those pan out, she will then contact external applicants.
My experience has been that openings are posted internally for a set period then the position is listed on job boards for those outside the company. Call me crazy, but what's the point of soliciting resumes AND conducting phone interviews if you haven't already eliminated internal possibilities?
August 27 - applied for job #2
Sept 21 - first response from LargeCo
Sept 22 - Phone interview
October 14 - they're still looking internally
7 weeks. Seven-freaking-weeks and counting . . .
If media are to be believed - God knows, they're a trustworthy, impartial bunch - the economy is recovering <snort> and there are more jobs and fewer job-seekers. So why do companies piddle around and take their good ol' sweet time getting around to interviewing & hiring? 'We need another person but, what the hell, we'll just load up the other staff with that work for a couple of months. I'm sure all those candidates that applied will still be available after 2-3 months. We're LargeCo, quality people are just beating down the door to work for us.'
How frustrating.